Tag: featured

Report: Israel to Strike Iran by December

From NEWSMAX: British intelligence chiefs have warned that Israel will launch military action to thwart Iran’s nuclear weapons development efforts as early as Christmas, according to a report in The Telegraph. The United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency this week confirmed that Iran is developing a nuclear warhead that could fit on an existing missile.

Tom Corbett and the Sandusky case

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett is scheduled to attend Friday evening’s Penn State University Trustees’ emergency meeting. It is an unusual appearance for the Governor, and the circumstance of the meeting, the sordid child molestation charges against Penn State coaching legend, Jerry Sandusky, is also unusual.

Penn State: A stretch of credibility

All of the reports we have read concerning the scandal surrounding the alleged sexual predator Defense Coach Jerry Sandusky focus on Joe Paterno and the Penn State officials and ignore the biggest question of all: When did word first reach the criminal justice authorities and what did they do about it?

In Sexual Abuse Case, a Focus on How Paterno Reacted

From the NEW YORK TIMES: On Saturday, March 2, 2002, according to Pennsylvania prosecutors, a Penn State University graduate student went to visit Joe Paterno, the university’s football coach. The student had a horrific story to tell: the night before, the graduate student had witnessed one of Paterno’s former coaches sexually assaulting a 10-year-old boy in the football facility’s showers…

Are government provocateurs infiltrating OWS?

You mentioned the Oakland protest the other day and the closing of the port. I understand there was some violence at the port. My guess is this was a provocateur. The Oakland police chief is on tape ordering his police to infiltrate (“to get protesters to do what we want”) and there is video of Oakland police pretending to be occupiers.