Tag: featured

Abundant ‘hesitancy’

From THE SCRANTON TIMES TRIBUNE: After Penn State’s board of trustees fired university President Graham Spanier and football coach Joe Paterno, Gov. Tom Corbett belatedly rode his white charger over Mount Nittany and declared: “When it comes to the safety of children, there can be no margin for error, no hesitancy to act.”

Faults NewsLanc for ignoring Crossings development

I read your special edition on the Convention Center and especially noticed the role played by High Construction. You did a great job on that report. But what really puzzles me is why you aren’t equally upset by what High is doing now to ram their Crossings development through the MT Commissioners before the end of this year.

Penn State sex abuse scandal (cover up)

From SPORTING NEWS: A former Penn State graduate assistant cited by a grand jury report as claiming he saw an ex-assistant football coach sexually abusing a young boy in a campus locker room shower says in an email he made sure the act was stopped and then went to police — contradicting what the report says.

LETTER: Individuals more important that venerated institutions

Yes, and maybe add, . .. a son who was 10 years old. Even so, it just makes me more sad than angry, as it does for most of the people I have heard from. Sad for the victims certainly, but all the students, fans and alumni. Even Joe Paterno and all the others may really be “good guys” who were simply terrified (in denial) of a scandal that would blemish the great image of Penn State…