Tag: featured

Watching over you… no privacy on the Internet

From LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE: When The Wall Street Journal reporter Margaret Coker visited the Libyan government’s surveillance centre in Tripoli after the city’s fall, she saw that the authorities had been monitoring everything: the internet, mobile phones, satellite phone and internet connections. Some files included emails and online conversations between Gaddafi’s opponents.

Marcy Kaptur Beats Dennis Kucinich In Ohio 9th District Primary

From the HUFFINGTON POST: …Kaptur and Kucinich were victims of a congressional redistricting process that combined their seats. Because of the population losses recorded by the 2010 U.S. Census, Ohio lost two congressional districts and the borders of the remaining districts were redrawn. The new map combines the districts of Kaptur, who represents what is currently the 9th district, and Kucinich, who represents the 10th….

All we ever needed to know about Afghanistan

The following is from “The Operators, The wild and Terrifying Inside Story of America’s War in Afghanistan” by Michael Hastings. “In Jalabad, near the Pakistan border, he gets an overview of the war. He learns: Taliban is not a monolithic organization. He learns: U. S. sources are not fighting and dying to combat terrorists, but are fighting and dying in local political disputes….

Rush’s racket: Republicans are weak-kneed on Limbaugh

From the PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE Opinion: Broadcaster Rush Limbaugh has the perfect little racket going. As a cultivator of outrage, he invites periodic condemnation, which in turn drives more bitter and angry listeners to his rancorous broadcasts. Rather than criticism hurting him, it just makes him more controversial and popular…

Pa. Targets Senior, Student Compulsive Gamblers

From NEWSMAX: The warning signs of problem gambling are making their way into Pennsylvania schools and senior centers, leading counties to spend some of the revenue they receive from the state’s casinos on educational programs. The effort began after many counties admitted their agencies didn’t know much about compulsive gambling, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Political donors got plenty of PennDOT’s federal stimulus aid

From the PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE-REVIEW: More than half of PennDOT’s $1 billion in federal stimulus aid went to 20 Pennsylvania companies whose executives donated about $900,000 to state and federal politicians, a Tribune-Review analysis of campaign and contract records shows. The 20 firms received the most money from PennDOT’s stimulus share to perform bridge rehabilitation, road resurfacing and highway expansion projects.

Drawbacks to Internet college courses

This is a positive step towards a time when the bulk of sophomore through senior year college courses will be taken via the Internet, thus slashing study cost at least by half and, in the case of those who cannot afford the time or money to attend a campus but have a passion to learn, by 90%.

WRONG. I’ve taken college courses online, and I paid almost three times as much as a brick and mortar campus per credit hour. My sister and niece are both students at Penn State currently. My niece is at a brick and mortar campus, while her mother is taking classes through PSU’s World Campus, which is their online division. My sister pays more for her classes than she pays for her daughter’s. This is because the campus charges all online students the out of state tuition fee even if they are a resident of Pennsylvania.

“The Vertical Negro Plan” revisited

Sometimes an essay by a humorist can accomplish more than the efforts of a thousand political activists. This was brought home to the Watchdog by a Harry Golden article entitled “The Vertical Negro Plan” from “Deadline Artists, America’s Greatest Newspaper Columns” by Jesse Angelo and Errol Louis.