Tag: featured

Wolf regime must start fast, move nimbly

Cabinet members should be an extension of the Governor. They need to travel – Chambers, Kiwanis, fairs, expos, radio talk shows, newspaper editorial boards. This is why one deputy in each department is designated “executive deputy secretary.” He (she) is the one expected to run day-to-day affairs.

North Korea Says It Test-Fired Missile From Submarine

“North Korea’s development of a submarine-launched missile capability would eventually expand Pyongyang’s threat to South Korea, Japan and U.S. bases in East Asia, also complicating regional missile defense planning, deployment and operations,” Joseph S. Bermudez Jr., an expert on the North Korean military, said in an article posted on the website 38North in January. “Submarines carrying land-attack missiles would be challenging to locate and track, would be mobile assets able to attack from any direction, and could operate at significant distances from the Korean peninsula.”.