Tag: featured

Countries That Spend the Most on Health Care

The U.S. has, by far, the highest total expenditure on health care per capita. America spends approximately $2,600 more per person annually than Norway, the second-highest spender. Only 47.7% of this amount is public expenditure — the third-smallest percentage among developed countries. However, the actual amount of public spending, $3,795, is among the highest.


Editorial “NFL’s Goodell makes right call” concludes: “NFL football is violent enough without coaches and players upping the ante with promises of riches for behavior that, in just about any other setting, would be criminal in nature and deserving of lengthy jail time.”

SAT and ACT to Tighten Rules After Cheating Scandal

From the NEW YORK TIMES: Stung by a cheating scandal involving dozens of Long Island high school students, the SAT and ACT college entrance exams will now require students to provide a photograph when they sign up for the exams, and officials will check those images against the identification the students present when they take the test.

Wall Street Journal: In 10 Years, No Sign of Global Warming

From NEWSMAX: World temperatures have remained virtually unchanged in the past 10 years despite predictions of global warming and America’s mildest winter in decades, Princeton physics professor William Happer contends… “CO2 is not a pollutant,” he wrote. “Life on earth flourished for hundreds of millions of years at much higher CO2 levels than we see today.

LETTER: Media Meltdown kills due process

I have followed the reporting of the fatal shooting of Trayvon Marting, a 17 year-old black youth in Florida. There is no dispute that Mr. Martin was shot to death by George Zimmerman, an mixed-race Hispanic adult male. Mr. Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch captain and had seen Mr. Martin walking through his gated community.

Arlen Specter: Romneycare a Blueprint for Obamacare

From NEWSMAX: Former Sen. Arlen Specter, who played a key role in passage of President Obama’s healthcare reform legislation, confirms to NewsmaxTV that the Senate considered Gov. Mitt Romney’s healthcare reform in Massachusetts as “solid precedent” for Obamacare. The Pennsylvania Republican-turned-Democrat also says that based on Rick Santorum’s policies, voters have a firm basis to reject his presidential candidacy.

Street Occupiers

From the DAILY BEAST: At times, Occupy Wall Street has been electrifying: the epic stand on “sanitation day” in October, when Mayor Bloomberg announced he would close Zuccotti Park for “cleaning” as a means of evicting the movement only to back down when occupiers furiously scrubbed the sidewalk through the overnight, and thousands joined them to defend the park at dawn, filling it to bursting;