Tag: featured

EDITORIAL: We respect the LNP but…

Lancaster is fortunate to have relatively competent, well meaning, and generally responsible newspapers— but the Watchdog is very frustrated on occasions by the obtuseness of the editors, their valuing sensationalism over the rights of individuals, and their failure to report on some big local issues lest they ruffle friendships or antagonize advertisers.

We all know why David Unkovic left Harrisburg

From the HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS Op Ed: David Unkovic suddenly resigned as the receiver appointed by Gov. Tom Corbett to recommend and implement a plan to get Harrisburg out of debt. The Harrisburg City Council members, keeping with their past history of making everything more difficult than it could be, demanded a hearing as to why Mr. Unkovic resigned; one of their theories was that Corbett forced him out of office…


In “Lancaster County should be ready for shift to apartment life,” columnist Jeff Hawks writes: …“The good news, said Scott Provanzo of the Building Association of Lancaster County, is that lenders recognize the opportunity, making apartment complexes one of the easier projects right now to get financed.

Gingrich Unloads on FOX News in Private Meeting

From REAL CLEAR POLITICS: During a meeting with 18 Delaware Tea Party leaders here on Wednesday, Newt Gingrich lambasted FOX News Channel, accusing the cable network of having been in the tank for Mitt Romney from the beginning of the Republican presidential fight. An employee himself of the news outlet as recently as last year, he also cited former colleagues for attacking him out of what he characterized as personal jealousy.

President Barack Obama is reneging re medical marijuana

In 2008, candidate Barack Obama pledged to respect the right of state and local governments to provide access to medical marijuana for patients, a policy the Dept. of Justice under President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder later put in writing. As you likely know by now, the Dept. of Justice under Obama and Holder has not lived up to that promise, but instead has engaged in a campaign of raids, intimidation and misinformation. Last week, rogue US Attorney Melinda Haag went even further over the top, not only raiding alleged medical marijuana locations in the famous “Oaksterdam” neighborhood, but even attacking institutions like Oaksterdam University and the Oaksterdam Cannabis Museum that don’t distribute marijuana.

Zbigniew Brzeziński: Four major questions of the day

In his newly published book “Strategic Vision, America and the Crisis of Global Power,” Zbigniew Brzeziński set forth in the Introduction the following the “four major questions of the day”: “1. What are the implications of the changing distribution of global power from the West to the East, and how is it being affected by the new reality of politically awakened humanity?


Article “Debt hangs over convention center authority,” explains: … “To build the convention center on Penn Square, the authority issued bonds totaling just under $64 million. Little of the principal has been repaid…

WATCHDOG: 1) Raising the Hotel Room Sales Tax would be inflicting additional harm on the county wide hospitality industry. 2) Both the reporter of this article and this editor are grateful to Kevin Molloy for describing in detail the mechanics behind the Convention Center debt predicament. 3) If there is to be a deficit, we have to agree with NewsLanc contributors that Penn Square Partner (PSP), consisting of the Lancaster Newspapers and the High Group, should do the decent thing by volunteering to make up the difference.