Tag: featured

LETTER: The reasons for Obama attacks on medical marijuana

My sense of the election (non-expert, to be sure) is that Obama is not worried about California. Colorado has more potential to be a swing state, among medical marijuana states, less likely but potentially New Mexico and Michigan. One source I found online that makes predictions about 2012 swing states, linked from a Wikipedia article but which I’ve heard of before, is the site Real Clear Politics .

“Fraud, inside deals and corruption” – Part Two of Watershed Series

The state receiver’s job was to implement a financial recovery plan for the bankrupt city. It was the state’s Financial Recovery Plan, filed in July 2011, that valued the city’s water system at a mere $50 million, give or take. “This city had been mismanaged for twenty years!” the receiver fumed on the witness stand in federal court on March 21, 2012, pounding his fist.

A discussion: “What the heck is going on with the Obama administration concerning medical marijuana?”

EDITOR: We have been puzzled over why federal prosecutors had launched a war against medical marijuana distribution in California, contrary to state law and overwhelming public opinion there and nationwide. I asked our chairman from Common Sense for Drug Policy Michael Gray (neither he or we are “revolutionaries” in a literal sense) for his views as a Californian. Later, our president Kevin Zeese added his comment.

US Has Saltiest Fast Food, Study Finds

From ABC RADIO: If your favorite fast foods taste different in certain other countries, it could be because they have less salt, according to a new study… The 2010 U.S. Dietary Guidelines recommend that most adults consume no more than about a teaspoon of sodium daily, and studies have found that reducing sodium in the diet can lower blood pressure and the risk of heart disease.

Dan Meridor: We (Israel) misquoted Ahmadinejad

From AL JAZEERA: …In the words of Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister: “They are the leaders of Iran who called for a new Holocaust and who vowed to wipe Israel off the map.”Al Jazeera’s Teymoor Nabili talks to Dan Meridor, Israel’s minister of intelligence and atomic energy and deputy prime minister, about this and questions him over Israeli politicians’ claims that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, said Iran would ‘wipe Israel out’.

PA Gov. Tom Corbett blasts magazine article exploring his role in Paterno, Spanier firing

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS: Gov. Tom Corbett pounced Monday on an ESPN magazine article published this month that portrayed him as a driving force in the Penn State board of trustees’ decision to fire university president Grahan Spanier and head football coach Joe Paterno last fall.

“It is totally, factually wrong,” Corbett said, during a brief press conference after an unrelated bill signing in New Cumberland. “Not even close to the facts.”


In “The limits of government”, columnist and Associate Editor Gil Smart states: “Now, I have three kids, all of whom will be taught that drugs are dangerous, harmful and illegal. I think it’s great that our schools will make those same points inside the schoolhouse.”

EDITORIAL: Then there is the ‘Lunatic Left’

Most of the damage done to the nation over the past three decades can be attributed to the lobbyists for conservative special interests. Their purpose is to further enrich the highest 400 tax payers in America who, in 2008, had annual incomes of $87 million or more as well as the 11,000 households of the top 0.01% of taxpayers with incomes of $5.5 million or more.