Tag: featured

Meet the Progressive Likely To Become Philadelphia’s Next Mayor

Once considered a moderate, Kenney ran on a progressive platform, advocating for raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, ending stop-and-frisk, decriminalizing marijuana, and restoring funding to the city’s cash-strapped public schools. As a city councilman, he fought for a bill that reduced cooperation between Philadelphia police and federal immigration authorities in detaining undocumented immigrants in the city, as well as a bill expanding LGBT rights.

Amtrak Crash Raises Question of Seatbelts on Trains

But a train is so massive, with so much momentum, that it almost never experiences that kind of deceleration. (One exception is when two trains collide, which is very rare.) Less extreme deceleration usually means less extreme impact injuries. A train hitting a car or truck at a grade crossing barely slows down at first…

Exercise in Democracy? Surely, we can do better.

[On Tuesday] A couple million of us (at the most) will trek to the polls and vote for one or more choices for more than 15,000 local political offices. For the most part, we will not have a clue as to the significance of our vote. This is not surprising because most people running for these offices do not have a clue what they will do if they win.

A look at same-sex marriage in Pennsylvania, 1 year later

“What you have to understand, in many cases, [legal same-sex marriage] is actually being treated as a non-event,” said Kathleen Schneider, a Regent Square lawyer and LGBT activist. “These folks who thought they wouldn’t ever be able to be married, treated themselves as being married. They already had joint financial accounts, they owned real estate jointly, named one another as beneficiaries in 401(k) plans and their wills. They did as much as they could within the confines of the law.”