Tag: featured

Jeb Bush criticizes GOP partisanship

From the NATION: Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush wouldn’t fit in today’s dogmatic Republican Party, Mitt Romney ought to change his tone on immigration, and even if Romney is elected, the experienced businessman won’t be able improve the job market in the near future.


In a news article titled “Climbing over towering mountain of debt” reports: “The ‘Fiscal Impact and Recovery Task Force,’ convened by the Pennsylvania Dutch Convention & Visitors Bureau, released its long-awaited report last week and detailed the scope of the challenges facing the convention center.

Group says don’t pay Shell for other companies new jobs.

CAPITOL WIRE: HARRISBURG (June 7) – A state policy group wants to know why Gov. Tom Corbett wants to give Royal Dutch Shell a tax credit worth $1.65 billion for jobs other companies may bring to Pennsylvania? Senate President Pro Tem Joe Scarnati, R-Jefferson, said legislative leaders are awaiting a briefing from Gov. Tom Corbett’s staff on that and other related Shell issues.

LETTER: Tourist Bureau Speaks…what did they say?

So the PDCVB took their turn to comment on the state of affairs at the Lancaster Convention Center on June 6. Having a few hours free, I came to hear what they had to say. It appears to me that they spent a lot of time and a lot of energy to make six relatively simple points that I will list, in no particular order, and then provide further comment:

Unborn babies could be tested for 3,500 genetic faults

From the TELEGRAPH: Scientists could soon be able to routinely screen unborn babies for thousands of genetic conditions, raising concerns the breakthrough could lead to more abortions. A team has been able to predict the whole genetic code of a fetus by taking a blood sample from a woman who was 18 weeks pregnant, and a swab of saliva from the father…

Harrisburg needs bankruptcy bargaining chip

From the HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS Editorial: “Going into bankruptcy should be difficult. It should be a last resort. That is the proper place for it. However, to take away that option just compounds the difficulty of my job.” Those are the wise words of Harrisburg Receiver Maj. Gen. William Lynch, the man tasked with getting the city back to fiscal solvency.