Tag: featured

Is it time to prune Penn State branches?

From the HARRISBURG PATRIOT NEWS Editorial: …The 2012 freshman class at Penn State’s main campus this fall is expected to exceed last year’s numbers by 200 students. …[U]niversity’s president, Rodney Erickson, says while the numbers are up, there is “some softness” in enrollment at some of Penn State’s 24 Commonwealth Campuses.

Tom Corbett, Pennsylvania Governor, Sinks To 36 Percent Approval

From the HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS: Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett’s cuts to education funding and proposed credits for chemical refiners has sent his approval rating into a swoon. Just 36 percent of Pennsylvanians approved of the Republican governor’s job performance this month, down from his all-time high of 50 percent in September, according to a Quinnipiac University poll.

Sebastian Thrun: What’s Next for Silicon Valley?

From the WALL STREET JOURNAL: …Frustrated that his (and fellow Googler Peter Norvig’s) Stanford artificial intelligence class only reached 200 students, they put up a website offering an online version. They got few takers. Then he mentioned the online course at a conference with 80 attendees and 80 people signed up.


In a column entitled “The fight of the future”, Associate Editor Gil Smart starts with an excerpt from a letter he received from a disappointed reader: “’I have been very disappointed in your column since you opted out of Keynesian economics…


In his most recent CC article, Tim Stuhldreher of the Central Penn Business Journal seems to be following the marching orders of the higher-ups over at LNP:

1. Advocate and push for a hotel tax increase at all cost

2. Give Nevin Cooley a forum to say anything he likes without questioning or challenging him

When America Was Great

As a further sign of the steady decline of the American Republic, a reporter blatantly interrupted the President of the United States during an address yesterday. This is a further manifestation of the polarization of political discourse and diminishing civility.


Editorial “Missed opportunity, Study makes valid points about center’s debt, but fails to offer a credible option” goes on to state: (1) “Citing a task force report that was four months in the making, Duncan suggested that the convention center authority renegotiate variable interest rate bonds and seek other revenue sources.”