Tag: featured

Abuse trials miss other victims

In pursuit of Lynn’s conviction for child endangerment, prosecutors offered compelling proof that, as the city’s former top prosecutor, Lynne M. Abraham, said, “the cover-up went all the way to the top,” including then-Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua…

EDITOR: Hey guys, “the cover-up went all the want to the top” also at Penn State. Then Attorney General Tom Corbett was strangling the investigation until it got out of his control. The he diverted attention from his culpability by leading a witch hunt against Joe Paterno.

Romney Campaign Said to Ask Scott to Downplay Job Gains

From BLOOMBERG: Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign asked Florida Governor Rick Scott to tone down his statements heralding improvements in the state’s economy because they clash with the presumptive Republican nominee’s message that the nation is suffering under President Barack Obama, according to two people familiar with the matter.

LETTER: Massive media coverage compromises Sandusky prosecution

As disturbing as the alleged details of Jerry Sandusky’s crimes have been, the overkill media coverage of the case is equally troubling. In 1966, the United States Supreme Court, in Sheppard v. Maxwell (384 U.S. 333 (1966), decided that Sheppard, charged and convicted of murdering his wife in 1954, was not given a fair trial as was his right under the 6th Amendment of the Constitution.

Three movies to see

Those who have longed for Wes Anderson to revisit the comic landscape of “Rushmore,” will be tickled by his latest, “Moonrise Kingdom.” An inspired comedy about two twelve year olds on the run, it provides solid rolls for a large cast that include Bill Murray, Bruce Willis, Ed Norton, Frances McDormand, and others. It’s funny where it could have been sad, and wise where it could have been smug.