Tag: featured

Penn State Official Denies Key Claim

From the WALL STREET JOURNAL: Former Pennsylvania State University President Graham Spanier told investigators he never was informed that former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky was seen molesting a boy in a school shower, Mr. Spanier’s lawyers said Tuesday….

LETTER: CC design and contract with PSP irreparably flawed

– Cooper-Carry designed a facility so elaborate and so grandiose that large parts of the “integrated facility” cannot have their energy costs significantly reduced. From the Vine Street lobby on the lowest level, to the second-floor balcony, to the hotel lobby and the hotel restaurant along East King Street, there is an massive open space a city block long and up to four stories high.

Convention and visitors bureau opposes raising hotel tax, but are there alternatives?

From the CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA BUSINESS JOURNAL: …“ Renegotiating the food and beverage concession agreements between the convention center authority and Penn Square Partners could move $400,000 to $500,000 a year to the authority’s side of the balance sheet’, suggested Stephen Sikking, a partner in the Eden Resort and Fulton Steamboat Hotel and a bureau board and task force member.


Editorial “Penn State scandal shows sex-abuse laws can backfire” observes: “Over the past two decades, advocates, the media, and politicians have stoked public fears about sexual abuse. The resulting panic has had serious consequences. It has subjected all sexual offenders to greater stigma and, more importantly, has led to a complex array of laws that dramatically increase the costs of conviction even for less serious sexual offenses.

School is too easy, students report

•37% of fourth-graders say their math work is “often” or “always” too easy;

•57% of eighth-graders say their history work is “often” or “always” too easy;

•39% of 12th-graders say they rarely write about what they read in class.

People hurry to get into the Manor House Apartments

An elderly gentleman accidentally hit the accelerator rather than the break. No one was injured. However, the structural integrity of the front of the two story building was compromised so residents had to vacate. Township fire personnel  shored up the second floor joists to minimize possible subsidence. Representatives of management estimate design, permitting and repairs […]

Sunday News editorial’s rush to judgment on Joe Paterno

“Say it ain’t so…But from leaked emails, it looks as if Joe Paterno was involved in covering up Sandusky scandal, and other Penn State ‘leaders,’ unbelievably, went along” is the July 8th heading to the Sunday News editorial. Is that so? CNN had accurately reported an excerpt from a 2001 e-mail that Penn State’s athletic director Tim Curley had sent to Penn State’s president Graham Spanier about the “shower Incident”:

Interesting changes in energy sources

This first article talks about new technologies that are inexpensive and have a rapid deployment that will make moving away from nuclear, and, in the end, carbon fuels, much quicker and cheaper than expected and do away with the problems people image that solar and wind are too inconsistent to be relied on.

Want education fixed? Here’s how

From the HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS Op Ed: 1. Stop comparing apples to oranges: Private schools are not required to follow mandates. Therefore, they can shy away from accepting the behavior problems/the learning support/the emotional support, and they can simply return the tuition of undesirables without having to provide tutoring as the public schools are required.


Associated Editor Gil Smart’s weekly column appears under one title in print – “In this world, banks rob you” and another at the web site – “In Soviet America, banks rob you”.


1) “You might have seen news about something called LIBOR, the London Interbank Offer Rate. LIBOR, as Wikipedia notes, is ‘the average interest rate estimated by leading banks in London’ as to what banks would charge them for a loan.” (NewsLanc Editor – ‘The inter bank rate’)