Tag: featured

Penn State trustee: School ‘rolled over and played dead’ to NCAA

USA TODAY: … “It’s really simple: I am frankly outraged as a member of the board of trustees that the university entered into a consent agreement without discussing it with the Board in advance of signing,” Anthony Lubrano told USA TODAY Sports….

“To rely upon such a report to issue punishment is beyond reckless, and should not be supported in any way by the leadership of Penn State,” said the group. “By agreeing to these sanctions, every single member of the Penn State Board of Trustees has blatantly failed in their fiduciary responsibilities to the university. With each passing hour, we are gaining additional alumni support in our demand to have them resign immediately.”…

Corbett faulted in Sandusky probe pace

Kane questioned whether Corbett’s political aspirations affected the pace of the case. Sandusky and two Penn State administrations were charged a little more than 10 months after he was elected governor in November 2010. In particular, she questioned the use of a statewide grand jury, which meets one week per month…

A Tale of Two City Hotels

For the First, the owners claim to have invested $9 million; for the Second, the equitable owners committed to invest $11 million. The First pays real estate taxes; the Second does not. The First opened as a four star hotel; the second as a three star.


On Thursday July 19 Valiulla Yakupov, the deputy chief mufti of Russia’s Republic of Tatarstan, was gunned down near the door of his house in Tatarstan’s capital of Kazan. Several minutes later an explosive device ripped through the car of his boss – chief mufti of Tatarstan Ildus Faizov. The spiritual leader of Muslim Tatars was wounded in his legs and taken to a hospital.

LETTER: When Gib Armstrong embraced so called Obama socialism

Much is being made this week about President Obama’s recent comments regarding the success of private businesses and what credit is due the federal government for that success. Not surprisingly, here in a such a strong Republican bastion like Lancaster County, those remarks are being fed to the masses as red meat and evidence that a socialist occupies the White House.

Tom Corbett gives the lie to Tom Corbett

Amid growing concern that he did a scandalously bad job as state attorney general, Tom Corbett last week managed to call attention to his less than stellar performance as Pennsylvania’s governor. Hours after the July 12 release of the Freeh Report on the Penn State / Jerry Sandusky scandal, reporters in Harrisburg asked Gov. Corbett about his two year delay in bringing the case to court while he was attorney general.

Was it really a conspiracy?

From the HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS Op-Ed: Perhaps it’s because I’m in the reputation protection business, and maybe I’m stepping in front of a proverbial train, but it seems to me that before we race to remove statues, erase murals and rewrite the obituary of Joe Paterno, we ought to ease off the throttle just a bit…