Tag: featured

LETTER: The freedom to live our lives…

Considering the mass amount of religious diversity in this nation, perhaps an atheist or agnostic President wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Perhaps then the whole separation of church and state would be held true and the important matters of getting our nation out of financial turmoil…

The case against Joe Paterno: Weak to non-existent on the current record

…First, with respect to the 1998 incident, the Freeh Report says that several authorities promptly investigated and reviewed the matter, including the Department of Public Welfare, the University Police Department, the State College police, and the local district attorney’s office. Freeh Report at 42-47. A “counselor” named John Seasock issued a report that found “no indication of child abuse.” Freeh Report at 42-46. Mr. Seasock interviewed the alleged victim and determined that “there seems to be no incident which could be termed as sexual abuse, nor did there appear to be any sequential pattern of logic and behavior which is usually consistent with adults who have difficulty with sexual abuse of children.” Freeh Report at 44 (quoting Mr. Seasock’s 1998 evaluation of the alleged victim). The Freeh Report adds that Mr. Seasock “couldn’t find any indication of child abuse.” Freeh Report at 45.

Opening arguments made in challenge to controversial Voter ID law.

From CAPITOL WIRE: …Opening arguments and some witness testimony highlighted the first day of the trial before Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson, who will rule on whether to delay implementing the law until after the Nov. 6 general election. While Simpson’s ruling is eagerly awaited by both sides, whichever side loses is expected to swiftly appeal to the state Supreme Court.

Holder v. Pennsylvania

While challenges to states’ Voter ID law have been making similar headlines in Florida and Texas, this is the first time the Justice Department may challenge a voter ID law in a state not required by the 1965 Voting Rights Acts to get federal preclearance for changes to its voting laws. Under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, the Justice Department can look into allegations of voter disenfranchisement…

Peter Orzag: Privatize the Post Office

From NEWSMAX: … Unfortunately, this new efficiency has been outmatched by a deepening of the Postal Service’s predicament. Over the past five years alone, mail volume has fallen more than 20 percent, and revenue has declined 12 percent. The post office lost $25 billion from fiscal year 2007 to fiscal year 2011.


. ..“When the Freeh report came out, it was clear it would be something big. It had to be, because NCAA president Mark Emmert wants to be seen as parallel to NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, the sheriff of college football town. Had to be, because otherwise there would be a media firestorm.

NCAA goes over the top

SCRANTON TIMES-TRIBUNE Editorial: …Remarkably, nothing in the NCAA’s own bylaws authorize the action it took Monday. Rather than conducting its own investigation, which would allow an opportunity for the subject institution to present a defense, the NCAA ruled summarily after investing itself with the power to do so. In doing so, it responded to public emotion rather than to the mission for which it was created.