Tag: featured

“Too High to Fail” by Doug Fine

From the NEW YORK TIMES Books: …The “war on drugs” is America’s longest war. It has cost taxpayers $1 trillion in the last 40 years, Fine notes, and it has turned our nation into “the most highly incarcerated society in history.” In 2011, a global commission on drug policy…

LETTER: Deprived of a day in court

An easy target, a lone Men’s advocate in a courthouse. Openly declaring on T-shirt or leather jacket “Daddy Justice for the love of a child.” While there are eighty or so tax funded agencies helping women who stand in court against their man, they all still cower, recoil and attack in mass the only voice a man and his child might have.

NCAA right about Central Florida, wrong about Penn State

UCF already self-imposed penalties related to the recruiting practices that involved the use of an agent with a criminal background helping to push players to Orlando. The self-imposed violations included three years of probation, vacating all basketball victories for three seasons — between 2008 and 2011 — and giving up one basketball scholarship.

U.S. Economy Added 163,000 Jobs in July, ADP Reports

From the DAILY FINANCE: A private survey shows U.S. businesses kept hiring at a modest pace in July, suggesting the job market could be improving after three sluggish months. Payroll provider ADP said Wednesday that businesses added 163,000 jobs last month. That’s slightly below a revised total of 172,000 jobs it reported for June.

Congressional leaders reach budget deal

From the FINANCIAL TIMES: …News of the six-month funding deal came in statements from John Boehner, the Republican speaker of the House of Representatives, and Harry Reid, the Democratic Senate majority leader. The budget deal does not resolve the bigger issue of the so-called “fiscal cliff” looming at the end of the year, when Congress will face a series of difficult and costly budget decisions.

Bloomberg’s Breastfeeding Program, ‘Latch On NYC,’ Wants Hospitals To Change Baby Formula Protocol

From the HUFFINGTON POST: Starting in September, Mayor Bloomberg’s push to encourage breastfeeding will incorporate a new program urging hospitals to keep baby formula under lockdown. The New York Post reports new mothers will not be denied formula, but if requested, they’ll receive a mandated talk from staffers and nurses on why they should opt out.

Rick Santorum Blasts NCAA & Freeh Report On Penn State-Jerry Sandusky Sex Abuse Scandal

“My concern with the Freeh report… a lot of the conclusions in the Freeh report aren’t matched by the evidence that they presented,” Santorum said… “I understand the NCAA and what they did in reaction to that report,” he added, “[but the NCAA] actually usually [does] their own internal investigation, their own fact checking. They sort of accepted someone else’s work product.”