Tag: featured

NCAA oversteps its authority at Penn State

From the HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEW Op-Ed: By imposing sanctions against Penn State University, the NCAA has expanded beyond the scope of its mission. There was not a single violation of a football regulation. The alleged failures of Penn State listed by the NCAA are all nebulous failures concerning “institutional integrity,” “fundamental notions of individual integrity” and “appropriate and responsible conduct.”

The bleak future of downtown Lancaster

… Based upon my half century of experience in development and management of residential and commercial real estate and years of study and reflection about downtown Lancaster’s problems and opportunities from the perch of NewsLanc.com, here is what I foresee happening over the next two decades…

DOJ to Sentencing Commission: Fewer Prisoners, Please

DRUG WAR CHRONICLES: In a congressionally mandated annual report to the US Sentencing Commission on the operation of federal sentencing guidelines, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) said continuing increases in the federal prison populations and spending are “unsustainable” and called on the commission to work with other stakeholders to reduce federal corrections costs.

Religious Conflict in Russia

On August 1 Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill blessed the cornerstone of a new Orthodox church outside the walls of the academy of the Federal Security Service (FSB) – the heir of the infamous KGB. This seemingly unimportant event highlights the increasingly close ties between church and state, a relationship that had recently come under criticism from the opposition.