Tag: featured

Ethics agency conflicted

From the SCRANTON TIMES-TRIBUNE Editorial: A recent study of government integrity standards and enforcement in all 50 states gave Pennsylvania a generous “C-plus.” But it didn’t go into detail on the most fundamental question – whether the agency truly is independent of the entities it is supposed to regulate.

The biggest failing of Penn State University

In large part, here is the media’s and public’s perception of Penn State’s dealing with the Jerry Sandusky atrocities: Penn State and its football program = incubation of pedophilia. Ergo, no punishment can be harsh enough. Also, the circumstances concerning investigations of Jerry Sandusky’s pedophilia cover up over fourteen years of convolutions…


Editorial “Name Game at Penn State” opines: “What’s the justification for stitching the names of players on the backs of jerseys, other than to satisfy the individual player’s desire to be more easily noticed?