Tag: featured

LETTER: LCCCA’s failure to find innovative potential solutions

…The Martin Plan did not require money or lawyers, just some effort and a desire to share the burden of this disaster that does little or nothing to the group currently saddled with bulk of the funding. This LCCCA may be better but their silence on PSP, what are they afraid of at this point, and their utter failure to find innovative potential solutions confirms them as PSP’s puppet. By the way, the mere $35K in cuts that Martin seeks from them is a pittance.

LETTER: Convention Center Authority itself is starved of funds

When former LCCCA chair Ted Darcus (vocally supported by former board member Joe Morales) loudly discouraged other board members from even reading what they were voting on, and giving them no time to study or question it, they were able to slip through iron-clad one-sided “agreements” which not only tie the hands of the current LCCCA, they also for all intents and purposes starve the LCCCA for operating funds (the convention center is a separate entity).


An editorial “Toll on tourism”, argues: “Visitors bureau will take a big hit from Commissioner Martin’s blueprint to increase convention center revenue. It’s likely to cost the county’s second-biggest industry…

Pa. Turnpike $7 billion in the red

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: … Required by a 2007 state law to provide billions of dollars for statewide road and bridge repairs and transit operations, the turnpike is spending more money each year than it makes, despite toll increases that have doubled the cost to travel the turnpike over the last 10 years.

To meet the financial demands created by the law, Act 44, turnpike officials have borrowed aggressively, leaving the agency deeper in debt each year.

Student says Gov. Corbett has threatened Penn State Trustees

EDITOR: The initial two-dozen of an ongoing string of comments appeared on a Penn State message board. We have redacted the names of the senders.

COMMENT ONE: I cannot confirm this in any way.. But my dad told me today that one of his co-workers is close friends to one of the board members. (I won’t say who) But this board member told this guy that Tom Corbett has threatened to come down hard on the business’ run by the individual trustees (Merck, US Steel, North Penn Pipe and Supply etc.) if the trustees do not ratify the sanctions.