Tag: featured

Patriarch Kirill in Bialystok

This month the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill visited Poland at the invitation of Metropolitan Sawa, the Primate of the Polish Orthodox Church. Accompanying the Patriarch on his visit were many of the top functionaries of the Russian Orthodox Church. Thousands of Orthodox Poles greeted Russian Orthodox Patriarch.


“A blue T-shirt was spotted here and there at the Beav on Saturday. The front read, ‘NCAA,’ with a Bolshevik hammer and sickle replacing the ‘C,’ and under that, ‘National Communist Athletic Association.’ “The back reads, ‘Overstepping their bounds and punishing the innocent since 1906.’ “

NAACP Regional Chapters Endorse CO, OR, WA Marijuana Initiatives

DRUG WAR CHRONICLES: All three marijuana legalization initiatives on state ballots this year have won the endorsement of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) regional organizations this week. Last Wednesday, the Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming conference of the NAACP endorsed the Colorado initiative, and last Friday, the Alaska, Washington, and Oregon conference of the NAACP endorsed the Washington initiative.

Fed Chairman Makes Case, in Strong Terms, for New Action

Calling the persistently high rate of unemployment a “grave concern,” language that several experts described as unusually strong, Mr. Bernanke made clear that a recent run of tepid rather than terrible economic data had not altered the Fed’s will to act, because the pace of growth remained too slow to reduce the number of people who lack jobs…

Critics see a wrinkle in new voter ID card process for PA-born voters

From WITF: …Remember: the Department of State voter ID, or the DOS ID, as we’ll call it, was created by the state as a “safety net” – an additional ID option for people having difficulty forking over the documents required to get a PennDOT license – like a birth certificate and a Social Security card. The DOS ID requires none of that. Registered voters only need their Social Security number and two proofs of residence.