Tag: featured

Major Media did not unveil the PSU scandal

Sara Ganim, a 24-year-old crime reporter for the Harrisburg Patriot News… by-lines appeared as the story grew to include then Attorney General (and now Gov.) Tom Corbett’s lack of enthusiasm for pursuing Sandusky… Governors seldom, if ever, attend PSU Trustee meetings despite their automatic appointment.


In “Where are all the good jobs?”, Associate Editor Gil Smart observes: “So long as Asian peasants are willing to work for pennies on the American workers’ dollar, jobs will be offshored. That exerts downward pressure on American wages, meaning jobs created here will pay less.

DA Craig Stedman is leading in the wrong direction

There is a big difference between Sentencing Guidelines, which exist, and the proposed Mandatory Minimums. The Guidelines are recommendations but not absolute constraints on a judge, although if he or she totally ignore guidelines they are going to be subject to criticism and conceivably discipline. Mandatory Minimums deprives judges of the ability to use judgment in determining the harshness of a sentence.

Obama says full recovery needs more time

From USA TODAY: ….In his acceptance speech, [President] Obama set a second-term goal of putting the country on a course for $4 trillion in deficit reduction over the next decade. Also: a million new manufacturing jobs, 100,000 new math and science teachers, and a 50% reduction in net oil imports by 2020.

Kansas City Bishop Convicted of Shielding Pedophile Priest

In an abruptly announced bench trial that lasted a little over an hour, Judge John M. Torrence of Jackson County Circuit Court found Bishop Finn guilty of one misdemeanor charge, and not guilty on a second. The charges each carried a maximum penalty of one year in jail and a $1,000 fine, but Bishop Finn received a sentence of two years of court-supervised probation.

Analysis: Clinton argues the case for re-election

“In Tampa, the Republican argument against the president’s re-election was pretty simple: ‘We left him a total mess, he hasn’t finished cleaning it up yet, so fire him and put us back in,’ ” Clinton said in nominating Obama for a second term. “I like the argument for President Obama’s re-election a lot better.”

PSU reports nearly $17 million in Sandusky costs

The university said it has spent almost $16.8 million through June 30. Nearly $10 million of that went to seven firms for what Penn State calls internal investigation and crisis communications, including a report by former FBI director Louis Freeh, who led the school’s internal investigation in the scandal and said that former coach Joe Paterno and three former school officials concealed allegations against Sandusky.

First lady tells personal side of husband’s policies

Our families … didn’t begrudge anyone else’s success or care that others had much more than they did — in fact, they admired it,” she said. But she also praised her husband for skipping a lucrative job to work in a struggling neighborhood. “For Barack, success isn’t about how much money you make, it’s about the difference you make in people’s lives,” another subtle jab at the Romneys’ wealth…