Tag: featured

Republican’s real problem

In fact, the problem is not Romney but the new Republican Party. Given the direction in which it has moved and the pressures from its most extreme — yet most powerful — elements, any nominee would face the same challenge: Can you be a serious candidate for the general election while not outraging the Republican base?

How did GOP group fund AG race TV ad? As Gov. Corbett

…Corbett certainly owed the RSLC committee a major political favor. The group dumped $480,000 into his 2004 campaign for state Attorney General with two weeks to go until the general election. A judge then ordered the RSLC to reveal where the money came from. The primary source, it turned out, was Audrey McClendon, chairman of Chesapeake Energy Co., now a major player in the Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling going on in Pennsylvania under Corbett’s watch…

A disapproving registered Republican

The Republicans STILL don’t understand that Obama did not win the 2008 election — the Republicans LOST the election. I would not have voted for such an inexperienced candidate as Obama, but he was far better than the elitist Republicans and their endless corporate welfare programs.

Campaign Stops: What’s Wrong With Pennsylvania?

From the NEW YORK TIME Opinion Page: …Lehigh Valley is a case study in the rapidly multiplying problems of the Republican Party, its successes in 2010 notwithstanding. From 1968 to 1988, Lehigh County was solidly Republican, voting for Richard Nixon over Hubert Humphrey 50-46 (with 4 percent for the segregationist George C. Wallace); for Ronald Reagan over Jimmy Carter, 53-36; and for George H. W. Bush over Michael Dukakis, 56-43

Spiritual Battle

On Thursday September 20 in Moscow center of contemporary art “Vinzavod” have opened the exhibition “Spiritual Battle” by a young artist Eugenia Maltseva. The organiser of the exposition, a collector of modern religious art Viktor Bondarenko has stated that the new works of the artist are “contemporary icons”.


“Chick-fil-A says, in so many words, that it has stopped funding organizations that oppose same-sex marriage.

“If true, the about-face is a win for gay-and-lesbian groups who had threatened to boycott the fast-food chain over comments made by Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy in support of traditional marriage.