Tag: featured

Capitolwire: Lawyers press commonwealth to change ‘misleading’ Voter ID ad campaign.

HARRISBURG (Oct. 2) – After mounting a successful challenge to postpone the photo identification requirement for this election, opponents of the law are targeting the state’s ad campaign next. The lawyers who persuaded a Commonwealth Court judge to postpone the state’s Voter ID law aren’t planning to appeal for a total injunction of the law, but say the state must stop what they now consider “misleading” ads.

LETTER: Fear of Tom Corbett?

I’ve noticed that PA has a big problem with abuse of power in its leaders. From the schoolyard monitor to the borough cop, and on up the chain. The average, simple-minded PA citizen can’t seem to keep their ego in check when given a little power. And that’s what we have in “Governor” Corbett…

A Flagrant Conflict of Interest

Chief Justice Ronald Castille has a classic and flagrant conflict of interest: he is passing judgment on a prosecution that he approved and oversaw, and on a trial judge’s ruling that strongly censured that prosecution. He was the Philadelphia district attorney in 1986 and accountable for the serious misconduct that led to Mr. Williams’ death sentence.

Harrisburg Patriot-News, PennLive employee changes announced to staff as companies prepare for transition

From HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS: Company leaders were meeting face to face with Patriot-News and PennLive employees about whether they will be offered positions with one of the new companies that will be launching at the first of the year, the Pennsylvania Media Group and Advance Central Services Pennsylvania. The goal was to talk to every employee by the end of Monday…


Towards the end of this week’s column titled, First question on the middle class, Associate Editor Gil Smart observes:

“For most of U.S. history, most people had a slow and steady wind at their back, a combination of economic forces that didn’t make life easy but gave many of us little pushes forward that allowed us to earn a bit more every year. … That wind seems to be dying for a lot of Americans. What the country will be like without it is not quite clear. ‘It’s hard to imagine what set of circumstances would reverse recent trends and bring large numbers of jobs for unskilled laborers back to the U.S.’ ”