Tag: featured

Nothing to fear, Gov. Corbett?

The board of directors of Second Mile, a charity for young boys that employed Sandusky, donated over $600,000 collectively to Corbett’s campaign for governor. As Governor, Corbett personally approved a $3 million grant to Second Mile, an okay later withdrawn.

National Polls Show Signs of Settling

The four national tracking polls as published on Sunday were largely unchanged from their Saturday releases. Mr. Romney maintained a 2-point lead in the Rasmussen Reports tracking poll, but President Obama’s lead held at 2 points in an online poll published by Ipsos and at 3 points in the Gallup tracking poll. In the RAND Corporation’s online tracking poll, which lists its results to the decimal place, Mr. Obama’s lead declined incrementally, to 3.9 percentage points from 4.4 on Saturday.


Associate Editor Gil Smart writes in his weekly column: “According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, entitlements totaled $2.2 trillion in 2010; of that, 55 percent — more than $1.2 trillion — was spent on Social Security and Medicare.

Staffer testifies State only checks bond issues paperwork, not substance

She explains that she basically just checked that the paperwork was there and rubber stamped each certification. She further explains the DCED staff is very small and that there are about 700 or 1000 such municipal bond applications submitted to DCED each year, that it was impossible for the staff to verify bond applications, and that very few, if any, bond applications over the years ever were rejected by her office.

Unemployment Rate Drops To 7.8 Percent, Nearly 4-Year Low

The Labor Department said on Friday the unemployment rate, a key focus in the race for the White House, dropped by 0.3 percentage point to its lowest point since January 2009. The household survey is volatile. A survey of business establishments showed employers added 114,000 jobs to their payrolls last month, a touch above economists’ expectations for 113,000 jobs.

Entering Stage Right, Romney Moved to Center

From the NEW YORK TIMES: He used the first presidential debate to speak out forcefully to its wide television audience against the idea of cutting taxes for the wealthy, noting that “high-income people are doing just fine in this economy.” Asked if there was too much government regulation, he answered, “regulation is essential.” And he praised the Massachusetts health care bill, calling it a “model for the nation.”

Hearing on Harrisburg debt shows ‘no one is minding the store, and there’s no police or penalties for robbing it’

Depending on whom you believe, the retrofit of the city’s incinerator was done with the best of intentions and the blame belongs to now-bankrupt Barlow Construction, the firm hired to conduct the retrofit. Or it is a tangled web of financial interests, parties hellbent on getting the project done, whatever the cost. A conspiracy of consultants and politicians benefiting from the public’s largess…

After ruling, Pa. scrambles to pull voter ID ads

Ruman said the state would not have its new ads on the ID law produced until next week. The content has not yet been determined. “The ads will comply with the judge’s order, but voters will still be asked for ID,” he said. “The voter ID law is still in effect, and our belief is that it will be in effect in the future.”

Romney dominates presidential debate

From the FINANCIAL TIMES: An energetic and aggressive Mitt Romney challenged Barack Obama for “not getting the job done in government,” dominating the president for large parts of the first primetime televised debate which covered the economy, taxes and healthcare.