Tag: featured

New Jersey Finds Syringe Exchange Works

CHRONICLE: In a report released Tuesday, the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services has found that the state’s needle exchange program has provided clean needles to nearly 10,000 drug users and gotten more than 2,000 of them into drug treatment. In the report, Health Commissioner Mary O’Dowd concluded that the program is a success and should be continued.

Tango Torpedo Concert Series

World class chamber music by renowned musicians in the beautiful setting of El Redentor and St. Paul’s United Methodist Church. Admission: Free- A love offering will be taken. Concert 1. October 21, 2012. Michael Jamanis – violin; Frances Veri – piano

Pool of moderates is shrinking in Congress

The House is more polarized than at any time in the last century, according to models built by Keith Poole, a professor of political science at the University of Georgia, and Howard Rosenthal, professor emeritus of social sciences at Princeton. The last time the Senate was this divided, according to the joint research, was a century ago…

Republicans shift tone on taxing the rich

A senior Republican aide in the House of Representatives told the Financial Times there was an internal debate within the party, with one side arguing that Republicans would be better off to “give in” to Democratic demands for an increase in taxes for individuals making more than $250,000 if Barack Obama were re-elected….