Tag: featured

Syrian Rebels Get Missiles

From the WALL STREET JOURNAL: …Video footage uploaded to the Internet earlier this week appears to show rebels in Aleppo using weapons that military experts and rebels say are heat-seeking, shoulder-fired missiles, the first documented instance in the conflict. Versions of the weapons—also known as man-portable air defense systems…

Multivitamin Use Linked To Lowered Cancer Risk

NEW YORK TIMES: After a series of conflicting reports about whether vitamin pills can stave off chronic disease, researchers announced on Wednesday that a large clinical trial of nearly 15,000 older male doctors followed for more than a decade found that those taking a daily multivitamin experienced 8 percent fewer cancers than the subjects taking dummy pills.

Opponents say presale meeting with Lancaster County Waste Authority proves Harrisburg not getting a fair deal with incinerator

At that meeting with the governor on Sept. 12, 2011, the Lancaster County Solid Waste Authority discussed its plan to offer $124 million to buy Harrisburg’s burner, according to that agency’s minutes of the meeting. There also was discussion about the state’s agreement to pay $8 million to help cover improvements to the facility, the minutes stated…

Arlen Specter, Pennsylvania Senator, Is Dead at 82

From the NEW YORK TIMES: Arlen Specter, the irascible senator from Pennsylvania who was at the center of many of the Senate’s most divisive legal battles — from the Supreme Court nominations of Robert H. Bork and Clarence Thomas to the impeachment of President Bill Clinton — only to lose his seat in 2010 after quitting the Republican Party to become a Democrat, died Sunday morning at his home in Philadelphia. He was 82…

Fall movie reviews

The fall harvest of stylish, English language features has begun with two releases that have found nearly universal favor with the mainstream media. But the elements that distinguish both “The Master” and “Looper” are willful idiosyncrasies that are more likely to win them cult status than year end awards.