Tag: featured

LETTER: Just suckering the public

The comments at the end of the article are great. But the truth of the matter is right in the article itself. “Party officials said the review is aimed at studying their tactics and message, not at changing the philosophical underpinnings of the party.”

Lancaster Newspapers up to old reporting tricks concerning Convention Center deficits

Lancaster Newspapers, Inc. is at it again and again and again. It has now published at least its 2nd editorial opposing the Martin Plan (MP) for short-term convention center ‘bridge’ financing in favor of the Gray Plan (GP). This is on top of at least 3 articles that call for the same. I am not sure they printed that many opinion pieces on the recent presidential election.

Why Mitt Romney Lost

2. The Ryan Plan. Romney had endorsed Ryan’s plan for Medicare even before he tapped him as a running mate. But by selecting Ryan, he was nailing the odious plan to the masthead of his campaign. Ryan’s plan, which first called for abolishing federal Medicare in 10 years and later for a substitute voucher program, proved to be disastrous for Romney and other Republican candidates.

Colorado and Washington vote to legalize marijuana for recreational use

Colorado and Washington vote to legalize marijuana for recreational use(RNN) – It’s not medical marijuana. It’s not decriminalization. It’s completely legal pot – and voters in Colorado and Washington decided they would become the first states in the country to legalize and regulate marijuana for recreational use, ushering in a huge victory for drug law reform advocates.

The Polls Shift Toward Obama

For most of the past few months, Gallup’s daily track has been a notable outlier in that it consistently showed much bigger Romney leads than other quality tracking polls were showing. Now, Gallup’s numbers have moved in the direction of the other polls. And the other polls show Obama leading narrowly: NBC/Wall Street Journal (Obama +1), ABC/Washington Post (Obama +1), and Pew Research (Obama +3).

Kathleen Kane a breath of fresh air…

WE CONNECT THE DOTS: Pollsters expect Kathleen Kane to garner more votes than any other candidate on the Pennsylvania ballot. The victory will make the 46-year-old former Lackawanna County prosecutor the first elected Democrat to be state Attorney General. She will also be the first elected female in an office established in 1643.