Tag: featured

GOP governors back away from Romney remarks

From the WASHINGTON POST: … In a conference call with campaign donors on Wednesday, Romney blamed his loss in part on “gifts” that a “very generous” President Obama had given to African Americans, Hispanics and young people. It was similar in sentiment to his earlier suggestion — also to a group of wealthy contributors — that 47 percent of the American public consists of government-dependent deadbeats who view themselves as victims.

Why Mitt Romney deserved to lose

WE CONNECT THE DOTS: Barack Obama did not deserve to win re-election. His achievements were miniscule when the severe recession demanded more. At the beginning of the year this looked like a Jimmy Carter debacle about to repeat. But Mitt Romney absolutely deserved to lose after the stupidest campaign in modern political history.


“If the customer is always right, a business — that’s what Fox News is — will give the customer what he wants. What he wants, in this case, is reassurance; a credible narrative that his guy, his party, his ideology, will carry the day.”