Tag: featured

Remember 1955?

This is a good time to reflect. I was born in 1955 (see below), so much that was unforeseen now looks routine. Political changes that seemed impossible now were obviously inevitable and self-evident. What today that looks impossible will come to pass?

Pity the Poor Child Molester

ECONOMICI: Imagine that you woke up one day and found, not that you had turned into a giant cockroach, but that you felt unacceptable sexual urges towards little girls or boys. What might you do? You might, possibly like Lewis Carroll, turn those urges to harmless ends, like writing books for children. Or you might accidentally stumble into a seemingly innocent way of gratifying those urges.

Sen. John McCain and the two Rices

What is going on with John McCain? Maybe he just despises Barack Obama so completely that he almost can’t help himself. That’s one option. Another is that he has decided for whatever reason to finish his Senate career as a full-out tea partier. A third is that he’s just a nasty man, which is pretty widely known to be true in Washington.

The Jewish Museum in Russia

On November 8, 2012 in Moscow an opening ceremony of a cultural institution with a strange double-name: “The Jewish Museum and the Centre of Tolerance” was held. The President of Israel Shimon Peres came to Moscow to participate in the event. Prior to the opening ceremony Peres had a long official meeting with Vladimir Putin.

Washington Post’s Chief Falters Anew

The Post retains a toehold on its former greatness by virtue of its family ownership — its election coverage showed significant muscle — but those dynamics are now hard against an age that requires decisive, confident leadership. The cushion of profits from other endeavors like the Kaplan education division are all but gone…

Lawmakers pick who votes for them

WE CONNECT DOTS: President Obama carried Pennsylvania by five percentage points in the 2012 election, smaller than 2008, but still the same margin as Al Gore beat George Bush in 2000. So, why did Democrats only win five of 18 PA Congressional seats at the same election?

Lancaster City should learn from Lititz

My business moves me all over Lancaster County. Lancaster City elected officials, Lancaster County elected officials, City residents as well as County residents cannot just look back at the Greed and Deaf Ears of a few. We need to look at communities in this County that got together WITHOUT TAXPAYERS picking up the tab.

Marijuana Legalization: What Can/Will the Feds Do?

While the legal possession — and in the case of Colorado, cultivation — provisions of the respective initiatives will go into effect in a matter of weeks (December 6 in Washington and no later than January 5 in Colorado), officials in both states have about a year to come up with regulations for commercial cultivation, processing, and distribution.