Tag: featured

Grover Norquist’s folly. It’s time to ditch the no-tax pledge

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS Editorial: We saw the same change of heart in the midstate before the election. During Patriot-News endorsement interviews with candidates, Democrats and Republicans said they would not sign the pledge. Now it is time for all our elected officials who already have signed it, including Gov. Tom Corbett, to publicly state they are no longer going to make decisions based on this ridiculous vow…

Deadly bacteria that defy drugs of last resort

The superbug that hit [the University of Virginia Medical Center] four years ago — and remains a threat — belongs to a once-obscure family of drug-resistant bacteria that has stalked U.S. hospitals and nursing homes for over a decade. Now, it’s attacking in hundreds of those institutions, a USA TODAY examination shows, and it’s a fight the medical community is not well positioned to win.