Tag: featured

Clinton, U.N. envoy to meet over Syria

USA TODAY: …U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and mediator Lakhdar Brahimi will gather in Dublin on the sidelines of a human rights conference, a senior U.S. official said. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because she wasn’t authorized to speak publicly on the matter. She provided few details about the unscheduled get-together.

Gov. Corbett to the rescue? Not on pension reform

No one wants to tax [Marcellus Shale]drillers away, but there’s a “Goldilocks tax,” and Pennsylvania is well below that. When the impact fee was passed last year, various forecasters projected that the state left $24 billion to $48 billion on the table by not passing a higher tax. Imagine what that money would do if it went to pay off the state’s pension obligation. …

Flu season hits U.S. early and hard

Dr. Thomas Frieden, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, urged people to get a flu shot to minimize the impact of the deadly disease’s spread. Speaking to publicize National Influenza Vaccination Week, Frieden said a flu shot was the best tool available to stop the spread of the disease, along with covering your mouth when coughing and washing your hands.

Clinton, Carter Blast ‘War on Drugs’ in Documentary

Former Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter say in a new documentary that America’s “War on Drugs” has been a failure. “If all you do is try to find a police or military solution to the problem, a lot of people die and it doesn’t solve the problem,” Clinton says in the documentary, “Breaking the Taboo,” which debuts on Friday.

Medicare beneficiaries reach $5 billion in drug savings

USA TODAY: …In 2012, Medicare coverage ends when total prescription costs top $2,930. Drugmakers participating in Medicare agreed to give the government a 50% discount on premium drugs and 14% on generic drugs as part of the health care law, and to extend those discounts to seniors who have exhausted their coverage and are forced to pay for the drugs themselves…


Still, as a Romney counselor in the Post story notes, the ex-candidate is not one to wallow in self-pity. Unlike post-2000 Al Gore, the counselor says, ‘You won’t see “heavyset, haggard Mitt.” ’ “

Another black eye for the State of Corruption?

The grand jury could indict as many as six ex-employees of the turnpike who worked there under Democrat Gov. Ed Rendell. Republican Gov. Tom Corbett, the former attorney general, opened the Turnpike Commission investigation. When Corbett became governor in January 2011, the investigation was passed on to his successors…