Tag: featured


Concerning Lancaster General Health, an editorial “Nonprofit?” concludes: “We can understand why some states and municipalities across the country have begun proposing and adopting limits on how much the leaders of nonprofit agencies can earn.

Gun Expert Lott: Let Teachers Carry Arms, Ban Gun-Free Zones to Halt Mass Shootings

NEWSMAX: Banning gun-free zones and allowing teachers to carry concealed weapons could help eliminate mass shootings at schools, John R. Lott, one of the nation’s leading gun experts, tells Newsmax in an exclusive interview Saturday.

Lott, an author and college professor, told Newsmax that gun-free zones become “a magnet” for deranged killers who hope to burn their names into the history books by running up a big body count.

Largest charter network in U.S.: Schools tied to Turkey

The concerns raised about the charter schools in the GM network have related to questionable admissions practices; the channeling of school funds to close associates; abuse of contractors; participation in biased, GM-created competitions; incidents of bribing; using the schools to generate political connections; science fair projects being done by teachers; unfair hiring and termination practices; and more.

Utilities have all the juice at state PUC

The PUC continued its roll last week by approving a 4.3 percent rate increase for PPL Electric Utilities. It also allowed PPL to craft the award so that consumers will have to pay most of the increase regardless of whether they actually use electricity. The monthly charge for basic services, including meter reading that is done mostly by computer, will jump by more than 61 percent, from $8.75 to $14.09. That charge is the price for being connected to the system rather than for actual power usage, so even a Herculean effort at power conservation would not help consumers save money.

GOP Governors Want to Talk Healthcare with Obama

NEWSMAX: Eleven Republican governors, including Florida’s Rick Scott, Louisiana’s Bobby Jindal and Arizona’s Jan Brewer want to meet with President Barack Obama to discuss the federal health overhaul, including ways to make expanding the Medicaid rolls and setting up online health exchanges more affordable for states with tight budgets.