Tag: featured

AP study on college football players should leave no illusion about steroids

But it’s clear from the AP’s work that college football players are pretty much free to use steroids without fear of discovery or penalty. That’s the main takeaway, and the widespread shrug it elicited could be indicative of a general fatigue when it comes to the issue. Or it could be this: People who care about sports have a strange, conflicted relationship with the issue of performance-enhancing drugs.


“The convention center had a good month in November and more weddings and special events have been booked for 2013. But the uncertainty surrounding the bond debt is depressing sales efforts. It’s time for local officials to agree on a plan and negotiate with bankers to restructure the debt.

A Tepid Fiscal Agreement

The higher income threshold isn’t the only price the White House wound up paying. The estate tax on the nation’s biggest inheritances is going up slightly but not nearly enough (estates of more than $5 million would be taxed at 40 percent, up from the current 35 percent) in a big and unnecessary giveaway to the very richest families.

The Sandusky trial transcripts Part 2

This story is like a reverse Rashomon, the Kurosawa crime drama where everyone is interviewed and tells a different story. Here the repetition is a powerful indictment of Corbett and the investigators on this case. It’s not as if Sandusky is going to a foreign city to victimize each boy in a different fashion, making it difficult or impossible to investigate: Bangkok, in a taxi. San Francisco in a shower room, etc.

LETTER: Self serving LNP blames rotten CC results on financial uncertainty

Bernie also reminds us of the CC’s own looming fiscal cliff and allows center GM Mark Moosic to pass the buck on the dismal performance of the center by blaming the financial uncertainty on his rotten results. He wants to “get past this” but his de facto employer, Penn Square Partners [in which the Lancaster Newspapers is an equal partner], does not want to do anything that involves putting in any more of their own money, even though they, along with the City, are the only beneficiaries of the project.