Tag: featured

Crony in the court; Corbett and the NCAA lawsuit

The rap against Gov. Tom Corbett is that he has spent his career as a political prosecutor, going after political enemies while protecting friends, and him.

Now Corbett, near the end of his tether, with waning political and personal influence, has again stooped to his favorite old trick: turning to a politically friendly court to help salvage his personal career and ambitions.


Editorial “Thrown for a loss” opines:

“…it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that Gov. Corbett’s antitrust lawsuit over the NCAA’s penalties against Penn State University is all about politics and a run for re-election next year.”

Tax Code May Be the Most Progressive Since 1979

The last-minute deal struck by the departing 112th Congress raised taxes on a handful of the highest-earning Americans, with about 99.3 percent of households experiencing no change in their income taxes. But the Tax Policy Center estimates that the average family in the top 1 percent will pay a federal tax rate of more than 36 percent this year…

EDITORIAL: Should school teachers be permitted to carry concealed weapons?

Circumstances create unsavory realities that counter what we would prefer to do and cause us to make the best we can out of a terrible situation. As readers from time to time may have observed, we not only do not approve of weapons of war in civilian hands, but we question the wisdom of hand guns of any kind, since they often lead to accidental and spur of the moment shootings. In an ideal world, we would do away with both.


Editorial “Penn State: Lessons Not Learned” opines: “If it were possible to compound the reasons for outrage over the serial child rape committed at Penn State, Gov. Tom Corbett took a brazenly misguided step in that direction Wednesday.

Criminal cases made Pa. AG hand over NCAA suit

SF GATE / AP: Pennsylvania’s attorney general said she granted Gov. Tom Corbett the authority to file a federal antitrust lawsuit against the NCAA because the litigation could present a conflict of interest as her office prosecutes three Penn State administrators…

EDITOR: Is this a move by Tom Corbett to keep incoming Attorney General Kathleen Kane from overseeing the litigation and being privy to confidential information?


However, where were the Intell editors when the sanctions were announced? While NewsLanc was making the exact same points that the State is making in its suit against the NCAA, they were sanctimoniously wallowing in communal guilt, never recognizing that two very separate issues were involved.

Pat Toomey’s cliff vote upsets backers

LEHIGH VALLEY MORNING CALL: …Pat Toomey bucked conservatives, the tea party and even his former employer, the anti-tax Club for Growth — all of whom helped him win a U.S. Senate seat — when he voted for the last-minute fiscal cliff deal in the early hours of New Year’s Day.