Tag: featured

Poll: Majority Say Let Illegal Immigrants Stay

NEWSMAX / AP: A new Associated Press-GfK poll has found that more than 60 percent of Americans now favor allowing a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants already in the country.

That’s a significantly higher number than last time the AP polled on the question, in 2010, when just 50 percent supported the idea.


Russians protest against ban on adoptions by Americans culminated on January 13 into the biggest public demonstration of the last years, so called “March Against Scoundrels” in Moscow. Official supporters of the new law made everything possible to stop or minimize the protesters activity and prevent the “March”.


“Our most popular sport is our most brutal. We used to shake our heads at retired players who were maimed by the game, turning old before their time, needing new knees, hips and shoulders. That now pales in comparison to the brain injuries that many have suffered.”


“Before damning the nation, Wright criticizes the United States for putting American Indians on reservations, Americans of Japanese descent in prison camps during World War II and black Americans in slavery. He speaks of other unfair treatment of black Americans, including the 1932-72 Tuskegee syphilis experiment, which is rightly demonized as a racist medical experiment that denied needed treatment to its subjects…

Lottery contract dropout GTECH Corp. calls process unfair

…Among them were complaints that it would be held accountable for certain events out of its control that might hurt lottery profits, such as if Congress banned state lotteries from conducting Internet games. It objected to accounting methods and what it said was the “recent introduction” of a requirement that the winning bidder would pay $30 million in transaction expenses to the state’s consultants.