Tag: featured

AG Kane probe is a long shot

WE CONNECT DOTS: Newly-elected PA Attorney General Kathleen Kane pledged she would find out if Gov. Tom Corbett deliberately slow-walked the probe of convicted child molester Jerry Sandusky. Recently she appointed a special deputy, Geoffrey Moulton, to keep this promise.

Big Pharma ignores developing therapeutic agents for treating mental illness

The February 23 issue of Science News contains a long article by Laura Sanders on the the dearth of effective new psychotropic drugs and the generally dismal record of Big Pharma in developing new therapeutic agents for treating mental illness. The article leads off with a report of the “crushing” failure of stage three clinical trials of a new drug, LY2140023, being developed by Lilly to treat schizophrenia.

CC Series Chapter Fourteen revised: The Honey Pot

The sponsors of the convention center and hotel proved to be very adept at acquiring public money for their project.The vast majority of the money, tens of millions of dollars, came through government-backed bonds, loans, and state grants. Another two-and-a-half million dollars or so per year was deposited into Lancaster County Convention Center Authority (LCCCA) coffers from its share of the hotel room rental tax.

Most colleges don’t care about GPAs

… each college scours high school grades and transcripts according to its own criteria. Swarthmore’s Bock, for example, says he looks for evidence that students have taken the most challenging classes they can. University of Florida’s admissions staff recalculates student grade point averages based on five academic areas…