Tag: featured

Penn State Board Misses Chance to Make Things Right

There seems to be a huge disconnect between the words of the Board and its actions. On the one hand, we repeatedly heard from former Board chairwoman Karen Peetz about how Penn State would become a model of transparency. But it took several months and numerous requests from alumnus Ryan Bagwell and others to finally get the contract between the Board and Freeh Sporkin & Sullivan released.

The Prison Problem

HARVARD MAGAZINE: … The few inmates who do reintegrate without much difficulty, who are best positioned to deal with the psychological effects of the transition, have the “big three” in place: they have a job lined up or find one quickly (e.g., through a trade union they previously worked with); they have housing (often with a relative or through a social-service program); and they have access to healthcare and treatment for substance-abuse and mental-health issues as necessary.

Share of Homes With Guns Shows 4-Decade Decline

The rate has dropped in cities large and small, in suburbs and rural areas and in all regions of the country. It has fallen among households with children, and among those without. It has declined for households that say they are very happy, and for those that say they are not. It is down among churchgoers and those who never sit in pews.

Lancaster Sunday News

“Stocks are soaring for one basic reason: The Federal Reserve continues to conjure money from thin air, buying ‘assets’ with it, pumping money into the big banks that are supposed to lend it to you and me and the company down the street.