Tag: featured


“…Prevent your knee from jerking in jingoistic time. Resist the urge to think that those who object to war don’t love their country as much as you do. Remember the cost of war, fiscal and otherwise: More than 32,000 Americans wounded, nearly 4,500 killed. Nearly $1 trillion spent…”

Cyprus Makes Plan to Seize Portion of High-Level Deposits

NEW YORK TIMES: A one-time levy of 20 percent would be placed on uninsured deposits at one of the nation’s biggest banks, the Bank of Cyprus, to help raise 5.8 billion euros demanded by the lenders to secure a 10 billion euro, or $12.9 billion, lifeline. A separate tax of 4 percent would be assessed on uninsured deposits at all other banks, including the 26 foreign banks that operate in Cyprus.

LETTER: We already have our own clowns

Re: “Clown festival moves from Seaside Heights to Lancaster, Pa.”

May I be so bold as to suggest the out-of-town clowns play the “Lancaster In-Town Clowns” from the Lancaster Newspaper management, editorial and news writing staff; the mayor’s office, the police detective department, and oh yes, let’s not forget High Industries.

Once Few, Women Hold More Power in Senate

NEW YORK TIMES: …In the 90 years since Rebecca Felton of Georgia became the first woman in the United States Senate — sworn in for a mere 24 hours — women remain an anomaly in the upper chamber. But with 20 female senators now in office, an all-time high, women have morphed from the curiosity they were for much of the 20th century into an important new force on key committees and legislation

ECB issues ultimatum to Cyprus

The move, however, raises the prospect of the ECB having to make good on its ultimatum on Monday, which could leave the banks unable to honour their obligations. Some analysts have speculated that the collapse of the banks could trigger a series of events that lead to Cyprus leaving the euro, with unpredictable consequences for the rest of the eurozone…

House panel panders away PLCB reforms

Committee Republicans drastically and foolishly altered the bill. The version they concocted and passed would give beer distributors first crack at obtaining state licenses for wine and spirits sales, thus bolstering an anti-consumer relic of another era that itself is in need of reform…

LETTER: The biggest hoax since the Vietnam war

They pulled off the BIGGEST DEFENSE DEPT. hoax since the Vietnam war. A weapons inspector who worked in Iraq kept on going on TV before the war almost shouting…they will find nothing I know, funny how the BUSH administration didnt want to talk to him of all people but to powerful rich Iraqis who had everything to gain from a U.S. invasion.