Tag: featured

Internet Censorship in Russia

Recently, representatives of the Russian-language Wikipedia received from the Russian government a notice black-listing the Wikipedia article “Smoking cannabis”, stating it contained malicious information. It is not the first time that Russian authorities have made demands of Internet providers.

On July 28, 2012 the new Russian Federal Law “On Amendments to the Federal Law On Protection of children from information harmful to their health and development” came into existence. This law established new federal laws and regulations involving filtering, black listing, and blocking Internet sites that are found unacceptable by government offices.

We can still learn from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

What was Dr. King doing in Memphis?

He was there to support striking sanitation workers and garbage collectors, who’d been long victimized by racial and economic inequality. The garbage collectors were attempting to join AFSCME, the American Federal of State, County and Municipal Employees.

So it was both sad and ironic, on the eve of the anniversary of King’s death, when Harrisburg’s first African American mayor, Linda Thompson, announced plans to seek bids to privatize the beleaguered city’s sanitation and garbage collection operations.

Pennsylvania DEP Secretary Krancer exits through revolving door

Krancer’s administration of the Department of Environmental Protection during the fracking boom was mired with controversy, characterized as overly friendly to the natural gas industry and hostile to regulation and enforcement. His return to Blank Rome, which lobbies for natural gas clients and was a member of the Marcellus Shale Coalition until 2013, makes him the fifth DEP secretary since the agency was created to take a job connected to the oil and gas industry…

On Sunday, Brazilian cellist will perform with popular local duo in community concert

LANCASTER, Pa. – Highly acclaimed cellist Jerome Wright will join pianist Frances Veri and violinist Michael T. Jamanis in a community concert at El Redentor and St. Paul’s United Methodist Church on Sunday, April 7 at 4 p.m. This is the second performance in the Tango Torpedo concert series which is partially funded by the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts to bring world class chamber music to multi-cultural audiences of all backgrounds. The concert is free and open to the public.