Tag: featured


Article “OxyContin a gateway to heroin for upper-income addicts” observes: “As addicts move from legitimate prescriptions to the black market of pure, precisely measured narcotic pain pills to the dirty world of dealers, needles and kitchen table chemists, health officials and police are noting sharp increases in overdoses, crime and other public health problems…

USA TODAY Poll: Public support for gun control ebbs

USA TODAY: …Americans are more narrowly divided on the issue than in recent months, and backing for a bill has slipped below 50%, the poll finds. By 49%-45%, those surveyed favor Congress passing a new gun-control law. In an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll in early April, 55% had backed a stricter gun law, which was down from 61% in February…

Fixing roads and bridges, the Harrisburg way

According to American Petroleum Institute at least 21 other states have sliding scale vehicle registration fees based on varying factors from weight to age to value. In most of these states, legislators made the guy with a brand new Escalade pay a higher registration fee than the working single mother driving a beat up 10-year-old Caravan.