Tag: featured


“Here, officials say they’re generally pleased with the generosity of local health care systems. In Lancaster city, the health system’s $237,000 in tax payments and $1.38 million payment in lieu of taxes mean that in fiscal year 2013, it will pay about 95 percent of what its tax bill would have been without the exemptions.”…

The Next Step in Drug Treatment

The country is beginning to realize that it cannot enforce or imprison its way out of the addiction problem. But to create broadly accessible and effective treatment strategies for the millions of people who need them, it must abandon the “drug war” approach to addiction that has dominated the national discourse in favor of a policy that treats addiction as a public health issue…

NewsLanc acquires almost 2000 pages of Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority minutes

For the past week, reporter Bill Keisling has ‘buried himself’ in records obtained from the LCSWMA through an open records request. He has discovered startling information that provides hard facts and substantiation to previous NewsLanc speculations and contentions, as recently described in “Can the LCSWMA fish swallow the Harrisburg Incinerator whale?”

A Health Provider Strives to Keep Hospital Beds Empty

NEW YORK TIMES: On a stormy evening this spring, nurses at Dr. Gary Stuck’s family practice were on the phone with patients with heart ailments, asking them not to shovel snow. The idea was to keep them out of the hospital, and that effort — combined with dozens more like it — is starting to make a difference: across the city, doctors are providing less, but not worse, health care.