Tag: featured

Kane: Lottery deal must have Assembly role

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane said Wednesday that she expected to receive the Corbett administration’s revised contract to privatize the Pennsylvania Lottery any day now – but signaled that she likely will not approve the proposal unless the legislature gets to sign off.


In “Bottoms Up, Lame Duck” , Columnist Maureen Dowd writes concerning a presidential news conference: “ABC News’s Jonathan Karl asked [President Barack] Obama if he was already out of ‘juice’ to pass his agenda, citing the president’s inability to get a watered-down gun bill passed in the Senate, Congress swatting away Obama on the sequester cuts, and the recent passage of a cybersecurity bill in the House with 92 Democrats on board, despite a veto threat from the White House.”

Great American Bites: NYC’s Carnegie Deli, popular for a reason

(Editor: Here is more on the Carnegie Deli which NewsLanc featured several months ago.)

USA TODAY: …Eating at the Carnegie Deli is a prototypical New York experience: loud, harried, very professional, a bit rushed and everyone elbow to elbow with not nearly enough room on the small tables for the vast groaning plates of food. Simplicity is everything here, from the classic diner coffee mugs to the never-miss-a beat-staff. The Carnegie Deli is a very popular tourist experience, yet beloved by locals as well, creating an incredibly diverse customer base.

LETTER: helmets vs. no helmets

Despite his opposition to helmet laws, Gray said he has always worn — and will always wear — a helmet. “I’ve ridden 30,000 miles already this year, many of them through states where you don’t have to wear helmets,” he said. “I had a helmet on for every mile.”

Black pols stymied in Obama era

POLITICO: ..Consider what has taken place, or not taken place, since Obama broke the presidential color barrier in 2008: There has not been one African-American elected to the Senate — the only blacks in the chamber were appointed to fill vacant seats; the country’s sole African-American governor…

Susquehanna River impaired

SCRANTON TIMES-TRIBUNE Editorial: The Chesapeake Bay Foundation and the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission don’t know exactly what is causing the disfigurement of smallmouth bass throughout the southern stretches of the Susquehanna River.

Are you a “host” or “sponger?”

Hosts foot the bill for services and benefits, not only for themselves, but for most spongers. Hosts must pay taxes to support work places, libraries, airports, schools, hospitals, stores, social and fraternal clubs and more. Hosts pay for care of the streets leading to these necessities, fire and police protection and other municipal services.