Tag: featured

Key pieces of the Hershey Trust, Pa. attorney general agreement

The base salary for trustees will be reduced to $30,000 annually, down from $95,000 in 2010. In the past, compensation for board members was set following an tri-annual review by an outside consultant. Under the new agreement, the reviews will be conducted bi-annually. However, the attorney general’s office will be involved in selecting the consultant…

Yanking Broadband From the Slow Lane

… in most American neighborhoods, consumers are stuck with a broadband monopoly. And monopolies don’t strive to offer the best, cheapest service. Rather, they use speed as a tool to discriminate by price — coaxing consumers who are willing to pay for high-speed broadband into more costly and profitable tiers…

Hospital Billing Varies Wildly, Government Data Shows

NEW YORK TIMES: …Data being released for the first time by the government on Wednesday shows that hospitals charge Medicare wildly differing amounts — sometimes 10 to 20 times what Medicare typically reimburses — for the same procedure, raising questions about how hospitals determine prices and why they differ so widely.

Harrisburg charged with securities fraud in first-of-kind filing by SEC

“In an information vacuum caused by Harrisburg’s failure to provide accurate information about its deteriorating financial condition, municipal investors had to rely on other public statements misrepresenting city finances,” George S. Canellos, Co-Director of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement, said in the statement. “Statements that are reasonably expected to reach the securities markets, even if not prepared for that purpose, cannot be materially misleading.”…


Editorial “Martin, Stuckey reform efforts” * opines “Lancaster County commissioners Scott martin and Dennis Stuckey are the latest to step up to the plate in opposition to the 50-year-old law that provides for artificially high wages for workers on publicly funded construction projects, including those at public schools.”

Harrisburg incinerator bail out is at huge risk to Lancaster residents

Based upon the information available from an uncooperative and extremely defensive LCSWMA , the entire deal as currently framed makes no prudent business sense. There is nothing per se wrong about a single entity such as LCSWMA becoming the de facto regional bulk waste disposal authority. But it should not be at the extreme risk and very possible huge expense to the residents of Lancaster County.