Tag: featured

A tribute to a great Pennsylvanian

Gov. Leader returned home from World War II Naval service, borrowed some money and began his own chicken hatchery. His father had been a school teacher, raised poultry and was a Roosevelt Democrat in York County. Gov. Leader earned a degree from University of Pennsylvania and did graduate work intending to be a teacher.


“Regional offers a 64 percent discount for self-pay patients, bringing its hip replacement charge to $21,757. “LGH offers a much lower discount for self-pay patients, 25 percent, bringing its total to $28,321, about $6,500 more than Regional’s.”

Justice Ginsburg says Roe gave abortion opponents target

USA TODAY: …The ruling is also a disappointment to a degree, [U.S. Supreme Court, Justice Ruth] ] Ginsburg said, because it was not argued in weighty terms of advancing women’s rights. Rather, the Roe opinion, written by Justice Harry Blackmun, centered on the right to privacy and asserted that it extended to a woman’s decision on whether to end a pregnancy…

Cutting HPV Vaccine Prices For The World’s Poor

Thanks to Pap tests, fatal cervical cancers are almost unknown today in rich countries. But the disease kills an estimated 275,000 women a year in poor countries where Pap tests are impractical and the vaccine is far too expensive for the average woman to afford, so the price cut could lead to a significant advance in women’s health.

A Worried Dad: Pain Patients Need to Unite for DEA Reform

State and federal lawmakers, working with the Drug Enforcement Agency, the Food and Drug Administration and most law enforcement agencies, claim to be well intentioned in their zeal to stop the wave of prescription drug abuse. Unfortunately, the effort to eradicate that abuse has led to the creation of panic among doctors, pharmacists and the patients they serve.

Attention Deficit Disorder: Misunderstood, but Nonetheless Real

To be stressed at this juncture is that ADD is a syndrome, as opposed to a disease because there’s no characteristic biopsy or laboratory test. It’s really a cluster of characteristic behaviors that can be seen in both children and adults. In my opinion, the critical mechanism responsible for those behaviors has yet to be recognized despite the increasing attention ADD has been receiving for over forty years.