Tag: featured

County Commissioners Urge Veterans to Beware of Scams

The Lancaster County Board of Commissioner in conjunction with the County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs urge Veterans to beware of scams. Veterans, active military personnel and their dependents should never pay for help to apply for veterans benefits, according to the Pa. Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA).

Stop the Leaks

The United States and its allies were trying to locate a master bomb builder affiliated with Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, a group that was extremely difficult to penetrate. After considerable effort and danger, an agent was inserted inside the group. Although that agent succeeded in foiling one serious bombing plot against the United States, he was rendered ineffective once his existence was disclosed…

How to legalize pot

NEW YORK TIMES Column: … “At some point you have to say, a law that people don’t obey is a bad law,” [Mark] Kleiman told me when I asked how his views had evolved. He has not come to believe marijuana is harmless, but he suspects that the best hope of minimizing its harm may be a well-regulated market.

Not your grandfather’s Pennsylvania anymore

JOHNSTOWN TRIBUNE-DEMOCRAT Column by Michael Young and Terry Madonna) ….Indeed, much recent polling in the state strongly suggests a long-term dynamic shift is underway in public opinion, especially among younger Pennsylvanians – a shift that may foreshadow major changes in Pennsylvania’s political culture.

Gasoline lead may explain as much as 90 percent of the rise and fall of violent crime

And with that we have our molecule: tetraethyl lead, the gasoline additive invented by General Motors in the 1920s to prevent knocking and pinging in high-performance engines. As auto sales boomed after World War II, and drivers in powerful new cars increasingly asked service station attendants to “fill ‘er up with ethyl,” they were unwittingly creating a crime wave two decades later.…


In a column “Where politics trumps principle” , Gil Smart writes: “…But what becomes clear now — and should have been clear all along — is that Obama, and the type of governing ‘liberalism’ he represents, is a mirage. This is simply more of the same.

State: Let’s make a deal

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE Column: …House Republicans don’t want a $2.5 billion transportation plan. Many want none at all. Senate Republicans don’t want House Majority Leader Mike Turzai’s idea of liquor privatization. They can’t count on getting all Democrats for transportation. So it’s possible all we might get is a state budget

Is Ernie Schreiber at it again?

It was with sadness for the death ofan infant, whether before or after birth, and the plight of its teenage mother that we viewed the article “McCaskey student out of prison; Accused of putting baby in trash can.” But it was with horror and disgust that we saw the nineteen year old girls picture on the front page.