Tag: featured


Front page article “Prior DUIs key to case” reports: “Assistant District Attorney Christine Wilson wants the trial jury to know it wasn’t (name withheld by NewsLanc) first DUI arrest. In fact, it was his fourth, Wilson wrote in a motion to be decided before trial.”

Let’s stop wrecking lives over a bag of weed

And though marijuana usage rates for blacks and whites are about the same, more than 90 percent of those arrested on pot charges in the District are black. Most of them are young men. By the time their cases are over, months or sometimes years later, they have gone from the unemployed to the long-term unemployed…

Corbett to write column for Philly.com

The decision by Philly.com to give regular space to Corbett, a Republican running for reelection in 2014, sparked criticism from several Democratic challengers who said they had not been afforded a similar platform. Experts on journalism ethics said the appearance of a news organization playing favorites so close to a campaign environment could raise questions of fairness…

Excerpts from Al Gore’s “The Future”

“The ideological condominium in the alliance between capitalism and representative democracy that has been so fruitful in expanding the potential for freedom, peace, and prosperity has been split asunder by the encroachment of concentrated wealth from the market sphere into the democracy sphere.”