Tag: featured

2014 unlike other “tween-term” campaigns

WE.CONNECT.DOTS: There is one benefit to Pennsylvania being so “politics-as-usual.” A pundit has less difficulty in predicting the race for governor in 2014. For example, next year’s race will not follow the path of other “interim campaigns” for governor. Until Milton Shapp, governors were limited to a single four-year term.

Is education reform killing gym class?

Medicine shines a spotlight on the problem and draws a direct link to our increasingly dysfunctional system of public education. The IOM found that only about half of U.S. school-age children engage in the recommended 60 minutes or more of physical activity every day (boys are more likely to meet the daily goal than girls).

GOP Governors Heading into 2014 in Strong Position

NEWSMAX: Republican governors took over statehouses across the country after the 2010 elections and immediately acted on promises to usher in a new era of budget cutting and conservative labor policies. Public backlash followed just as quickly; they watched their popularity drop while Democrats talked of political retribution.

Prisoners of the Euro

…That stress takes the form of mass unemployment unseen in the history of modern Europe, and mass youth unemployment that is worse still. In the Continent’s sick-man economies, the jobless rate for those under 25 now staggers the imagination: over 40 percent in Italy, over 50 percent in Spain, and over 60 percent in Greece.

Ignore the facts. Incinerator deal plowing forward

Corbett pulls together a way to see that most if not all of the debt is paid off, thus not only earning the gratitude of the lenders (likely in the form of huge campaign donations) but also creating still another feeding trough for bankers, attorneys, consultants and others as up to $350 million of bonds from LCSWMA and others are sold (who in turn should express their gratitude with campaign contributions.)