Tag: featured

Don’t Treat Cell Phone Consumers Like Criminals

NEW YORK TIMES Column: … Last October, the Library of Congress, which oversees the United States Copyright Office, decided that when a consumer unlocks her cellphone — a process that can be as straightforward as entering a code on the keypad — she may be violating the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998.

Pa. treasurer refuses to pay no-bid contract

“This is a case of the Corbett administration cutting corners regarding contracting practices, inflating contract values beyond the original approved amounts, and using a no-bid process without adequately justifying the reasons,” he said. “Not only is it a bad way to do business, it is outside the law, and we have an obligation to the taxpayers to reject these payments.”

Americans have mixed feelings about wearable tech

USA TODAY: Some 82% of wearable technology users believe these devices have enhanced their lives, but with privacy concerns mounting, almost two-thirds of consumers believe that Google Glass and other forms of wearable devices should be regulated in some form or another, according to a survey to be released Wednesday of 2,000 Americans by Rackspace, the cloud computing operator.

Who killed financial reform?

USA TOAY: …Bankers, lawyers and consultants met with regulators in nine sessions at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and other regulatory offices around the Capitol, voicing concern the provision would unduly restrict the industry.

The Many Ways That Cities Cook Their Bond Books

But officials in some troubled cities are pushing back against the notion that investors should get the best deal among creditors. Harrisburg City Council members have balked at a state-proposed bailout plan because they claim it places much of the burden on taxpayers without penalizing investors.