Tag: featured

Newark mayor Cory Booker announces candidacy for U.S. Senate

NJ.COM: … “I am here because I believe people who care can find solutions to even the most difficult problems. I am here because, when we work together, I know from experience that there is no problems we can’t solve,” [Newark mayor Cory] Booker said. “I am here today because I know who we are and what we are capable of doing together for New Jersey and for this nation.”


Editorial “PSU’s better option” argues: “Penn State’s best hope for a reconsideration of NCAA-imposed penalties lies in meeting the obligations put forth by the athletic association, not by filing lawsuits to recover its reputation…”

Jury acquits escort shooter

During closing arguments Tuesday, Gilbert’s defense team conceded the shooting did occur but said the intent wasn’t to kill. Gilbert’s actions were justified, they argued, because he was trying to retrieve stolen property…

A week of deserting Russia

By Slava Tsukerman

Prominent Russian economist Sergei Guriev fled from Russia to France a week ago in fear of being prosecuted. His flight was considered by many as a turning point in Russian history. Indeed, during the week that passed since Guriev’s flight, several other famous Russians followed his example.

U.S. Says It Gathers Online Data Abroad

NEW YORK TIMES: The federal government has been secretly collecting information on foreigners overseas for nearly six years from the nation’s largest Internet companies like Google, Facebook and, most recently, Apple, in search of national security threats, the director of national intelligence confirmed Thursday night…

Federal judge tosses Corbett’s lawsuit against NCAA

“The fact that Penn State will offer fewer scholarships over a period of four years does not plausibly support its allegation that the reduction of scholarships at Penn State will result in a market-wide anticompetitive effect, such that the ‘nation’s top scholastic football players’ would be unable to obtain a scholarship in the nationwide market for Division I football players,”[ Judge Yvette] Kane wrote.