Tag: featured

Microsoft accused in latest Snowden leaks

ALJAZEERA: Whistleblower Edward Snowden has provided proof that Global technology giant Microsoft has been working closely with US intelligence agencies, including the National Security Agency and the FBI, to make sure all of their customers can be spied on, according to the Guardian newspaper…

Leaked report shows Bin Laden’s ‘hidden life’

ALJAZEERA: …Following the US operation to kill Bin Laden in May 2011, which was avowedly conducted without the Pakistani government or military’s knowledge, the Commission was set up to examine both “how the US was able to execute a hostile military mission which lasted around three hours deep inside Pakistan”…

Pa. charter students’ skills fall far short, study reveals

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE: … Nationally, charter school students surpass gains made on standardized tests by students at traditional public schools but, on average, Pennsylvania’s charter students fall behind their public school peers, according to a recent study of charter schools by the Center for Research on Education Outcomes at Stanford University.

PSU legal counsels have roles in scandal

What do former PA Supreme Justice Cynthia Baldwin and Attorney Wendell Courtney have in common? The short answer is that both were legal counsels to Penn State, are frequently mentioned in the scandal involving convicted child molester Jerry Sandusky and – to date – each has been able to dance through the raindrops.