Tag: featured


Concerning the above “none of the waste buried on the site is officially considered hazardous”, this is a parsing of words. Over the years, the federal and state Environmental Protection Agencies have again and again expressed serious concerns.

Pro-marijuana ad to appear outside big NASCAR race

Outside the NASCAR Brickyard 400 in Indianapolis, the same track that hosts the famed Indianapolis 500, Marijuana Policy Project, the nation’s largest pro-marijuana legalization advocacy group, has purchased space to air – dozens of times over the weekend – a video that pushes the theme that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol.

The Glass is half full

In a July 18th article “Hungary Premier Credits his ‘Unorthodox’ Course for Economic Rebound” the Wall Street Journal reported that “Hungary is pulling out of recession, with economic output expanding in the first three months of the year after contracting in 2012.”

Pentagon Lays Out Options for U.S. Military Effort in Syria

The options, which range from training opposition troops to conducting airstrikes and enforcing a no-fly zone over Syria, are not new. But General Dempsey provided details about the logistics and the costs of each. He noted that long-range strikes on the Syrian government’s military targets would require “hundreds of aircraft, ships, submarines and other enablers,” and cost “in the billions.”